We welcome your feedback!

Jersey SAP Calculator


We welcome feedback on ways to improve the tool in the future. Please contact us to suggest additional functionality or refinements and to report any bugs you experience. A full list of changes in each version of the tool can be found by clicking the version number at the bottom right of this page.

It may be that someone else has already made the same points that you wish to raise. It would be helpful if you could check whether this is the case by looking at the FAQs and the news page before sending new comments.

Thank you very much for your contribution to the improvement of the BRE's Jersey SAP Calculator.


Enquiries on using JSAP to undertake BBL11 compliance checks should in the first instance be directed to the States of Jersey, Department of the Environment.

Phone: 01534 448496

Fax: +44(0)1534 448461

e-mail: BuildingControl@gov.je